Player Move Up Procedure

Move Up Requests

DYHA understands that there may be situations in which a player is in a position to play at a level beyond his or her age group. The decision to move a player beyond their age group is a delicate process that is not taken lightly. Multiple considerations are taken into account when this decision is being made including skill level (team and individual), maturity level, and the overall affect to DYHA teams.

DYHA General Operating Procedure

No individual player shall skate up or down with a team they are not rostered on. First-year members of DYHA shall be required to play at their own respective USA Hockey age level.

Players (10U and 12U levels) may try out for a team above their respective age, so long as the following steps are adhered to:

a) The player must be a second-year player at his/her current playing level (e.g. a first-year 10U may not petition to skate up with 12U).

b) A parent or guardian of the player must submit a written request for the player to skate up. This petition must be submitted to the DYHA Hockey Director and President two weeks prior to try-outs.

c) Player must attend both age-level tryouts and be observed by the Head Coaches of both teams and the Hockey Director. The consensus decision will be presented to the Board for approval by the Hockey Director.

d) No age appropriate player shall be cut to make room for a player requesting to play up.

Players at the Mite 6U level may petition to play up at Mite 8U level by adhering to the following steps:

a) The player must be a second-year 6U player due to move up to 8U the following season based on USA Hockey birth year designations.

b) A parent or guardian of the player must submit a written request to skate up to the DYHA Hockey Director and President. The Hockey Director will notify the ADM Director (if applicable) and the 8U Head Coach of the request.

c) The player shall attend two 8U practices and be observed by the 8U Head Coach, ADM Director (if applicable), and Hockey Director. A consensus judgement as to the player’s ability (based on ADM

Red/White/Blue model) shall be reached.

d) If the player is determined to have Red or White level abilities, the judgement will be presented to the board for approval by the Hockey Director. If the 6U player is determined to have 8U Blue level abilities, the 6U player shall continue playing at 6U.

Move Up Request Form

If you would like to request that your player be considered for a move-up, please fill out the following form. The Board will discuss the situation and come to a conclusion at the next Board Meeting.

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